Monday, March 07, 2005


Crumbs! I must have a big sticker on me saying 'easy meat' for all mozzies to guzzle on my blood. My feet are covered in their pesky bites as is my lower back where (I suppose) my t-shirt failed to meet my waistband properly as I slumped on the train seat back home.

Firstly, why do these bites itch so damn much? If they didn't itch, then I wouldn't scratch them which would mean they wouldn't become oversized bruised unsightly lumps which make me look like I have the plague.

Secondly, is there some kind of smell or signal that a successful bite gives off which alerts other mozzies so they can bite around the same area? Or is it the same bitch-mozzie who just comes back for more and has a memory like an elephant?

Thirdly, I always thought mozzies bit around dawn or dusk but I'm pretty sure some of these mozzies are just yapping away during the daytime too.

Fourthly, these Thai mozzies are sly. Unlike other countries where they're always buzzing around your ear annoying the hell out of you, the ones here stay super-quiet and nip far away from your ears or in unslappable areas. I suppose this could be a blessing in disguise, although hubby has now labeled me 'paranoid' as I swat at any flying creature around a centimetre long.

At the beginning I plastered myself with 50% DEET but it can't be healthy to keep doing this. So I'll have a go at more natural varieties, eat loads of garlic and whack on the aircon - those mozzies can be blown to death! I'll forego the temptation to post a piccie of my bites...


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