Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Pen name

BKK mei has just signed up for Thai lessons in the hope that her useless pronunciation attempts in Thai will convince Bangkokkers that she really is not Thai at all.

Am also considering pottery lessons. It's a small world - the lady who runs the class learnt pottery at the workshop I went to in HK and knows my teacher.

In an effort to learn more about Bangkok, we are currently reading 'Bangkok Inside Out' (Daniel Ziv & Guy Sharett) - a very informative book on all those things you've seen / heard /smelt but never knew what they were. Also, the authors used to study at SOAS, and as a SOAS grad myself, you can't beat that!

By the way, I hope the pen name BKK mei doesn't attract any pervs. 'Mei mei' means 'little sister' in Chinese and is used by my family to mean my good self. My brother once offered to buy me the website name .com, but unfortunately it was taken. On further investigation, we were horrified to see that the site was of an 'undesirable nature' to put it delicately. Most disconcerting ...


Blogger Meerkatsu said...

Yes meimei.com is still a site of salubrious distinction, however I believe meimei.org is available for a bargain £5. Blog is a much better idea I suppose.

5:29 pm  

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