Monday, February 06, 2006

It's a dog's life 2

Well, good news - we think. Spoke to a different guard about the puppy and he was quite adamant that she wasn't dead but had been taken in by some kind-hearted soul elsewhere in Bangkok. Let's hope that's the case as getting the truth out of these guys is quite a palaver.

Here's an update on the rest of our dogs:

Diamond Dog continues to be her sweet cheery self. She is called Lek by the guards but is in fact getting rather portly! She is also a little bit of an attention seeker - if we start stroking other dogs, she starts giving skin, insisting that we pay attention to her. She also has a host of flies and mozzies to keep her company when she's lying her chubby self down. No good picture of Diamond Dog, so this one will have to do:
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Deng is also still his laid-back, unruffled self. He snoozes during the day and the only time he gets excited is if he sniffs food. He has an acute - even for a dog - sense of smell and will be the first to bound up to us for titbits. Deng is quite protective of Diamond Dog and if other dogs (see below) are frolicking around too near her, he'll approach in a bouncer like manner.
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The dog who is likely to frolick around a bit too much is Freckle. Actually he is called Birdie by the guards, but we like to call him Freckle - see why?
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Quite simply, Freckle is bonkers. It has taken us some time to gain his trust. He likes to sniff you first - sniff your hands and especially sniff your bottom. He doesn't like being touched on the head and after sniffing and a brief strokie, will back off suddenly. Once or twice, he has become very affectionate, or needed comforting e.g. his paw hurts, or he's scared of fireworks. Other times he will simply back off immediately. And yet other times he will be a little too frisky for comfort. The typical scenario is: we stroke Diamond Dog. Then we goto Birdie to stroke him. Diamond Dog follows wagging her tail. Birdie starts frisking around with Diamond Dog. Deng comes along and gives a warning growl. Anyhow, there is no rhyme or reason to Freckle. Here's another piccy of Birdie sporting a slightly worried frown:
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Finally, Bobby. Another bonkers dog who has a prevalent antipathy of farangs. It has taken a full year before we have finally been able to give him a little pat on the head. Fatt has at last managed to win Bobby's confidence. A couple of things happened to Bobby: he got bitten by another dog, he contracted mange, he got very thin... we thought it had mellowed him slightly. He is still quite a handsome dog but we never quite sure what he's thinking. He has a habit of missing out through his own absence when we give out titbits. So maybe that's what's making him more amenable. The other day though we saw him snarling, scrapping and fighting with Dustbin Dog (named as this one always hangs around the dustbin vans) and he was an unrecognisable vicious mutt. Not like the picture below at all:
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Getting to know the dogs, trying to figure out their complex characters and inter-relationships and giving/receiving affection fair cheers us up. Bless them.


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