Saturday, December 10, 2005

Korea: Day 7 & 8 - Back to Seoul

I've been soooo bad with the blogging. I have my reasons - it'll be revealed evantually. But may as well finish Korea up in a couple of words.

We went back to Seoul and the highlight for me was most definitely going to the War Memorial Museum. The museum focuses on the Korean war. I hate war - and how much more bitter, how much more cutting it must be to fight your own countrymen in a civil war. Much of the fighting was acutally done between American and Chinese soldiers. The 38th parallel went south, then north, then back south practically back to where it was in the first place, and at the cost of millions of lives.

The statue of Brothers outside is quite moving (I've recently become addicted to Band of Brothers). It depicts a strong, hefty South Korean soldier clutching at his collapsing, weaker North Korean 'brother' soldier. Despite it's obvious propaganda function, I found it difficult to look away.

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For the rest of the trip, it rained and we got sucked into a very touristy dinner at Korea House - not recommended.

It's a pity about that last bit because Korea was an absolutely fascinating experience - the food was awesome, the people were friendly, boisterous, proud and spoke their mind, the history and culture was interesting, the social life was fun. Would love to go back...


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