Monday, August 22, 2005

There goes my crab curry.

The other week we had a health check up - blood, urine, weight etc. The good news for me is that most things are OK - I'm a bit underweight, blood pressure normal, no hepatitis... BUT I do have 'slightly elevated cholesterol'. Apparently the norm is between 50-200 mg/dL (whatever that means) and I have 225 mg/dL.

The advice is to have regular exercise and avoid seafood (except fish), internal organs, egg yolk, butter and cheese. Fatt on the other hand is absolutely normal in every respect. Although I call him Fatt, he isn't really. In fact, check up wise, he is the picture of health. Even though he eats sweets and cookies every day. Even though he drinks beer every night. Even though he does zero exercise.

Part of this is definitely inherited - both my parents have high cholesterol. Anyhow, I'm a bit pissed off. For the first time in my life, I have to look out for what I eat. I'll have to seriously ration my adored Thai crab curry, cut down on my prawn intake - even cakes I guess are choc a block with eggs and butter. Grrr...

On the other hand, I reckon I am pretty healthy. Fatt's the one who gets the sore throats, back aches, colds and eye infections. I've been pretty much very well since arriving in Thailand. (Not working helps...) And as some posters from the Thorn Tree have said, despite watching the diet slightly, Life is Good.


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