Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Fatt's Back

Been back in Thailand for 2 weeks now as has Fatt. Not only is Fatt back, but Fatt's back has been out of whack for ages. Poor Fatt. He's had painkillers, anti inflammatories, physio therapy, chinese spray medicines, tuina, a neck brace...which has just allowed the ache to shift from one place to another.

His work has been less than understanding and they take no prisoners when it comes to downsizing. Mind you, recent trips to Hong Kong and London haven't exactly helped Fatt garner any sympathy.

Anyhow, thank goodness for my mother. She records all the latest programmes in the UK on to DVD and ships them over for us. Big Brother (f**k about! as Maxwell would say), Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares (F**king hell! as Gordan would say), Desperate Housewives and Eastenders are all available for the Fatt's viewing pleasure.

I reckon it's Fatt's terrible posture that is at fault, and the physio therapist agrees. So Fatt has decided that once he is feeling better, he will go back to weight training. The thing is is that Fatt already has quite a bit of muscle around the back shoulder area which hunches him forward even more. I'm trying to persuade him to go to yoga instead. But not even the thought of a predominantly female class sweating away can convince him to go!


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