Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Mozziefest II

Tip for the day: never go to the seaside without at least 50% DEET mozzie repellent on you. Any less and you are basically FODDER for the mozzies.

Blimey o'Reilly, I've seen some mad mozzies in my time but I've never been bitten so much simultaneously before. Twenty six - that's the number of bites I've accumulated over the weekend. TWENTY F***ING SIX!!! These mozzies are evil-looking, black, 1.5cm of flying fury. They bite through clothes (they must have or how come I'm bitten there?), they bite from 4.30pm throughout the night, and on me, they leave big 2cm diameter itching lumps wherever they've been.

Here is the tally:

Right foot & ankle: 6 bites
Right knee: 4 bites
Right upper thigh: 1 bite
Left foot: 2 bites
Left leg: 6 bites
Left arm: 5 bites
Neck: 2 bites

I've plastered myself up in a futile attempt to stop the itching. Basically I became more than a little obsessed by the buggers. Of course, the pool of stagnant water near to the bungalows did not help one whit. But it was watching the Aviator right through to the bitter 2 and a half hour end at a particularly mozzie-infested resto that probably did it.

So far so good: no signs of flu, vomiting, the chills etc. I'm hoping that it was always the same dengue-free mozzies that were biting me at the very least!


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